完整版8分钟 上海年夜教影视教院与夏威夷年夜教媒体创意教院师长先生交流项目做品。 鉴于制做时间急急,影片从构想剧本到拍摄真现唯一三天半时间,故请依据现真状况停止吐槽。 The woman worked in a warehouse, and she was withdrawn and tended to shrink from social contacts. The machines were roaring all day lon g and the harsh glare of the summer sun was always burning her eyes. Every night, her soul suffered anxiety to warmth of communication and sharing. Once she picked up an abandoned inflatable doll by chance, which looked a bit like her. She took it home out of curiosity. However it did not turn to be a juncture for her to look straight in life, until one day she accidentally punctured the doll, and sew it leaking to a dry skin. An epiphany occurred to her that moment and the doll enlightened her.第16届上海国际影戏节足机电影节 最好短片(提名)施正一第16届上海国际影戏节足机电影节 评委会稀奇奖施正一